About Ed Fringe.
Whilst researching Edinburgh Fringe, I found that the length of your show really has to be 50 minutes long, with 5 minutes on either side to set up and strike off. Now, those that have listened to the omnibus edition of the original podcast might already know where this is heading…
My stage show runs at 2 hours and 15 minutes, if you include an interval, I can knock it down to 1 hour 45 without interval, but it would mean having to hack the show to pieces if I do it for the Fringe, I felt this would do a disservice to the show, and my proof-readers and my dear friend all came to the same conclusion, if I cut the show down, we lose the essence of the show. This does NOT mean I am giving up, it’s just THIS show is unsuitable for Edinburgh Fringe, I will do a show for it next year, but it won’t be this one, it will be one that is suitable for any venue at The Fringe.
I am looking at how to start from scratch as a performer with a show and do this on my own, hoping, that I can still do what I want to achieve with it, once I know what I am doing with it, and how to publicize it, I need to learn my lines.
As I need to learn 30 pages of script, my preferred learning lines is to either have the other person lines heard, and I put my lines into place or if it is a song, I will listen to it to the death – how’d you think this lad learned Rocky Horror front to back! So while I am trying to think of ways to get the show up and running, I am creating an audio play for CD/Mp3/Itunes/Spotify for people to buy/listen to. Well, then this is one piece of merch for the show!
The absolute worst-case scenario for the play, I will record it at home, and put it on YouTube – I mean at least I have 1/2 the set already at my disposal!
The play is still happening, in what form – let’s find out together!
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